Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve listed some of our most common and frequently asked questions. For any further questions not covered here, please call us at 1-866-927-3792.

Yes, all residential and commercial roofing quotes are free. You can schedule a free quote by calling 1-866-927-3792.

Yes, we are licensed C-39 roofers. CSLB License #1112379. 

Yes, we are bonded and insured.

We service all types of shingle, tile, metal and flat residential roofs.

You can schedule a free quote by calling 1-866-927-3792.

We service all types of shingle, tile, metal and flat roofing systems. 

You can schedule a free quote by calling 1-866-927-3792.

Replacement is necessary when over 40% of a roof has been warn down, deteriorated or is damaged. For example, if over 40% of a shingle roof is dry, brittle, cupped, faded or visibly warn down, then it’s time to replace the roof.

Please call 1-866-927-3792 and schedule a free roofing quote so we can take a closer, more detailed look at your roof to determine if it can be repaired or if needs to be replaced.